KE Sotogrande Magazine

64 ENTREVISTA del XX, que nos han influido muchísimo. La elegancia, el buen gusto, las prendas bien hechas, los buenos tejidos... rasgos que son muy clásicos y son muy nuestros, pero que les damos un punto de contemporaneidad. Con motivo del 25 aniversario presentamos el pasado mes de abril, una colección cápsula de novias y pusimos, en uno de los maniquíes, un vestido de novia de una colecciónmía de hace 20 años. Ese traje llamómucho la atención en este último evento. Es decir, hacer propuestas que pervivan en el tiempo para nosotros es un valor añadido y es algo que nos define muchísimo. Las novias son una parte importantísima de vuestro taller, con un estilo en el que también mantenéis una elegancia perdurable. Las bodas tienen un valor muy importante en nuestromundo, son el motor de la moda a medida en nuestro país y también de nuestro taller. Y lo que hacemos de novias también tiene plasmada nuestra filosofía, la atemporalidad, ese punto clásico, actual y contemporáneo. have been such an influence on us. Elegance, good taste, wellmade garments, good fabrics...features that are classics and very much part of us, but that we give a more contemporary touch. To mark our 25th anniversary, in April we presented a capsule collection of wedding dresses and we dressed one of the mannequins in a dress from one of my collections from 20 years ago. That dress really attracted people’s attention in that event. What I want to say is that creating offerings that stand the test of time is added value for us and is something that defines us very well. Wedding dresses are a very important part of your atelier, with a style in which you maintain everlasting elegance. Weddings are a very valuable part of our world; they are the driving force behind bespoke fashion in our country and in our workshop too. And our wedding dresses also embody our philosophy, timelessness and that classic yet contemporary touch. Low cost has meant prêt a porter is being reviled, but, on the other hand, sustainability means that it is essential for clothes to stand the test of time. Sticking to your guns in this context must be complex. In fashion, in opposition to mass production and those frenetic turnovers, there is a trend known as Slow Fashion. Slow Fashion means adopting a different perspective, investing more in few garments of a higher quality that will last, and that is a more environmentally-friendly and sustainable mindset. In our case, Slow Fashion is what we have been doing since day one. We have focussed more on traditional methods, in particular on haute couture, and that is just a matter of time, pauses in time, conversations with clients, fittings. Is there anything more Slow Fashion than coming and ordering a dress some time before you need it, and it’s then created slowly but surely. In fact, you don’t do seasonal collections. That way of working is reminiscent of famous music artists who spend some time drawing inspiration and then make an appearance to release something new. You’re partly right; what we do every day is bespoke dressmaking and we don’t need to prepare collections every six months to do so. There was a time when we did prêt a porter fashion and obviously we had to do the typical collections, but what we did was production on a small scale. And even so, combining bespoke dressmaking with collections was absolutely crazy and Fernandoand I decided that itwasnot forus.Wewere just unable to cope with it all. For this reason, we prioritised what earns a living for us and our team, who have been with us for a long time and is something we take seriously. So, we do collections when we can, and we do it when the opportunity arises and