KE Magazine Sotogrande

MOTOR “Nuestros clientes han sido gran parte del éxito para encontrar el equilibrio entre el clásico y el moderno”, nos contaba AlejandroMesonero.El resultadoesfácildeadivinar:nohaydos unidades iguales. El mismo Alejandro se ha sorprendido con la imaginación de los clientes: “he hecho 23 configuraciones, todas diferentes. Algunas no me las esperaba para nada. Incluso algún cliente me ha traído un trocito de pintura de uno de sus coches para que lo replicásemos”. “Our clients have played a large part in achieving the right balance between classic and modern”, Alejandro Mesonero explained. The outcome is not hard to imagine: no two cars are the same. Even Alejandro has been surprised by their clients’ imagination. “I have done 23 configurations, all of them different. Some took me completely by surprise. One client even brought me a flake of paint from one of their cars for us to copy”. 84